Nov 3, 2012

Kinyozi hajinyoi –‘‘A barber does not shave himself’’

He who leaves truth behind, returns to it- A person who does something good somewhere, people receive him/her with gladness when he comes back!! This have been said again and again and belief me or not yes not everything shine is Gold, Once I thought if you are focused and straight to the target you never miss your point but I was wrong our world is not that stable...
About five years ago I started two organizations with aim of achieving my goals in supporting my fellow Youth and the other one in helping in molding the children and supporting them mentally and education wise! But due to so many challenges in my personal life and global challenges this development of the two organizations have turned me up and down in searching for means of making them reality but so far every things  is still far to my goals, so struggle continues~
There is so many things people can do to help each others in our society but if we do not have good direction and good leadership to guide people doing the right thing it too difficult to achieve our goal by our own, or working by ourselves (Kinyozi hajinyoi -A barber does not shave himself) that why I always say we human it does matter in which level we all need one another in one way or another…
For this two months of our last months of this year I Have made one mission to myself worry of nothing, serve those I CAN as much as possible and in this I Remember it’s month’s to say thank to our maker for bringing me this far, am sure you know or you have end many who we started this journey together but today there are not with us, or sick somewhere in house in hospital or prison and others places we do not wish to find our self in today.. Is that not blessing to be here today healthily and strong!
Sharing with others your time your happiness for this last two months of the year is one greatest gift you can offer for appreciation of what life as offered for us all this long we are not best one’s to be here today or paid well or did what others have did not do, but been here today is a real blessing and that why we need to be proudly happy and take this last months to say thanks by doing just little favor to our maker.
This month’s I will be visiting few children home and friends sharing my time and what I have, as one of my way of thanking my Maker and on Christmas or before or after if all goes well I am planning to held a big children party – you too can Join me and share with others our joy and happiness even if we are not blessed to be rich or achieve our this year Goals yet we are alive and well it is enough reason or it something we need to say yes to others, even if we were hoping to be like this or do like this year but we didn’t manage it but we managed to be this far – sharing supporting those need us will open new doors for next year blessing.
Lastly I have  DREAM and I love sharing with those around me as I started from the top I have gone through hell of life this year but my spirit still stand strong and I know one day I WILL come to achieve my greatest desire dream of completing my children Center which I started few years ago- it hard to ask people to help me financially when I KNOW very well 80% of us we are struggling for daily bread and it hard to save enough to help others but as I Always say we are not equal and we are not the same everyone is special and have his/her greatness inside which can be useful to someone else ideas are sometime better than money if you know something or somebody or have something which can help me and my center, children Youth or women that my goal mission, I belief one day I will be able to educate that street child, give her/him a home and something to celebrate in life.
I also belief one day in that small village where I was born and raised I will be able to advocate and challenge that history of poverty among our people who are born and raised there without knowing the world is full of potential people to share and up lift their lives.
To finish up my today’s letter I know there somebody out there somebody who have this idea, somebody who have this great potential, somebody who is out there looking for opportunity to make change, I know we still have well-wishers people who are willing to help and many others all character of people who can help me out to achieve this dream to make me happy and other thousands children who will be beneficially of this center, Do not look more further just write to me share with me ask me question and I will be glad to share with you as much as my thinking capacity can allow me…..
Just to say- Masikini akipata matako hulia mbwata –(When a poor man gets something he boasts of his new wealth) am happily today I learn a lot from this world and that my wealth and one day I will be gladly happy sharing this with those in need most ‘‘Children’’
For any donation of few upcoming children event November and December kindly contact me or visit my Facebook page to see where and which children home will be visiting!!!!!
December will be Hope children & Empowerment Center – Embu just anything for children will be appreciated – clothes, food, books, etc
Asante Sana thanks for your time be blessed and have only great November – but December let it be marvelous love and peace- Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki (A friend in need is a friend indeed)
Uncle Ben